"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you,
as though something strange were happening to you."
-1 Peter 4:12
I read these words during my time with God on Sunday morning. About an hour later, I got in my car to go to church, turned the key, and dut dut dut dut dut dut dut dut, but no vroom. I tried again. Same dut dut dut dut dut dut dut. Pumped the gas a few times. Dut dut dut dut dut dut dut. Tried jump starting my car. Dut dut dut dut dut dut dut dut.
Really?! Really, God, why now?!?!?!?!
Then, the words came to mind and I felt ashamed. Of course I was going to face trials, I knew that, but why now? Why this, God, why?
I ended up taking my roomie's car, and so glad I did. I made it just in time for the sermon, which (obviously) I really needed to hear. He was talking about Noah and how he trusted God completely to build a GIGANTIC ark that took over 100 years when no one had EVER seen rain before or knew what a flood was. He was "all in" as the pastor was explaining, trusting God completely.
I knew that's what I needed to do, but my mind was focused more on the reality of the situation and not the spirituality and power of God. After praying with a friend and crying my eyes out a bit, I knew that this was a test. And I needed to get to the point where I could be all in with God.
I am a firm believer that your type of circumstance has no bearing on how much faith you need; it's all dependent on your relationship with God. The "big" things actually are easier to believe God in because we may not have the reality framework for the answer. But the "small" things have practical solutions and we can wrap our minds around them, so they actually require MORE faith to believe that God will work when CLEARLY in OUR minds it won't.
Today was much better; I felt that God was going to work it out, that God did have it under control, and if my car needed $5000 in repairs or I needed to get a new one, God would provide the money for that. But then I got anxious, waiting to find out how God would work. You can trust God, but working through the peace takes a bit more time.
And then all of sudden I get a call saying my car really has nothing wrong with it, they can't figure it out, so come and get it! No charge! All of a sudden I am praising God because HE showed up and was faithful. While my test was temporarily over, I knew that there would be more to come. He's just building me up, little bit by little bit.
So don't be surprised when it happens. Because it will!