Friday, August 24, 2012

I liked it, so I put a pin on it

It's one of those things you tell yourself you'll never do. And then suddenly, you find yourself betraying your common sense and spoken resolve, only to discover the result just as everyone has described it: AWESOME!

I joined Pinterest.

I think my initial reluctance was due my ignorance; I simply didn't know what Pinterest was. If someone explained it to me and actually showed me on the screen, I probably would've joined awhile ago! I love being able to organize my ideas for different topics and also share with others. It's great!

Here are some of my favorite pins so far:

For the Home

Ha! Love this!
Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

Future Bathroom - love the rustic style

My new house has 6 girls, so we needed a mail organizer. I have yet to make it, but I will soon!

I actually did this gift idea for 2 of my friends who are teachers. They both LOVED it!

And... one last one. Just a remind that Pinterest can possibly take all of your time! :)

One other thing I've loved is this blog, Pintrosity. People submit their failed Pinterest projects and give advice for how to actually make it work. Hilarious! Ya know, things like this, when you have a DIY homemade dishwasher cleaner that doesn't work out so well...

Ha! Happy Pinning! If you need an invite, let me know :)

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