Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bagpipes and Jameson Irish Whiskey

It wasn't shortly after I arrived Wednesday evening that we were informed my sister-in-law's father had passed away after a long bout with stage 4 throat cancer. The last few days have been a roller coaster - getting to spend time with family and also grieving and supporting my wonderful in laws.

Today was the funeral, Irish Catholic mass style. I'm a very emotional person and I tend to respond fairly strongly to the emotions I sense around me, so when the bagpiper started Amazing Grace, my heart melted. Every story, every picture helped me understand even more just who this man was and will be remembered for.

After the funeral lunch, we were invited over to the house. I don't think I've ever seen so much food in my life! There was at least 50 people there; mostly family, some friends. After a few hours, there was a gathering out back to toast. Someone handed me a red Solo cup with none other than a shot of Jameson's Irish Whiskey. I stood and listened to the things and acts of kindness this man had brought to so many lives. We raised our glasses, drank, and then my mouth and throat were on fire. I forgot what that felt like!

At the end of the day, I'm in awe of the families that we have. We don't choose them, but God was so wise when He chose them for us. Whether or not we like them, they're family. And that means something, no matter what happens.

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