Friday, April 30, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts. Since getting Derek back last Tuesday, he had to revisit the shop on Thursday and stay all weekend, yet they still couldn't figure anything out. He's started well this week, but it's kinda weird because I know something's wrong. Just waiting for it to blow up.

I would've blogged about it, but my emotions were so up and down about it and other things, I was waiting for the storm to calm a bit so I could have some perspective. And now I do!

God is good!

In other news, I realized the other day that I haven't left the Austin area since I went home in February and I'm feeling a little antsy. So tonight I'm going camping with Dawn and her sister's friends. It's only one night, but hey, it's leaving town and sleeping somewhere else for a change!

And... I just found out I'll be going to Camp Eagle every weekend in May except for one to help out with retreats... and get paid! It's just too much - paid to hang out at my favorite place and with my favorite people? Okay! :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't Be Suprised!

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you,
as though something strange were happening to you."
-1 Peter 4:12

I read these words during my time with God on Sunday morning. About an hour later, I got in my car to go to church, turned the key, and dut dut dut dut dut dut dut dut, but no vroom. I tried again. Same dut dut dut dut dut dut dut. Pumped the gas a few times. Dut dut dut dut dut dut dut. Tried jump starting my car. Dut dut dut dut dut dut dut dut.

Really?! Really, God, why now?!?!?!?!

Then, the words came to mind and I felt ashamed. Of course I was going to face trials, I knew that, but why now? Why this, God, why?

I ended up taking my roomie's car, and so glad I did. I made it just in time for the sermon, which (obviously) I really needed to hear. He was talking about Noah and how he trusted God completely to build a GIGANTIC ark that took over 100 years when no one had EVER seen rain before or knew what a flood was. He was "all in" as the pastor was explaining, trusting God completely.

I knew that's what I needed to do, but my mind was focused more on the reality of the situation and not the spirituality and power of God. After praying with a friend and crying my eyes out a bit, I knew that this was a test. And I needed to get to the point where I could be all in with God.

I am a firm believer that your type of circumstance has no bearing on how much faith you need; it's all dependent on your relationship with God. The "big" things actually are easier to believe God in because we may not have the reality framework for the answer. But the "small" things have practical solutions and we can wrap our minds around them, so they actually require MORE faith to believe that God will work when CLEARLY in OUR minds it won't.

Today was much better; I felt that God was going to work it out, that God did have it under control, and if my car needed $5000 in repairs or I needed to get a new one, God would provide the money for that. But then I got anxious, waiting to find out how God would work. You can trust God, but working through the peace takes a bit more time.

And then all of sudden I get a call saying my car really has nothing wrong with it, they can't figure it out, so come and get it! No charge! All of a sudden I am praising God because HE showed up and was faithful. While my test was temporarily over, I knew that there would be more to come. He's just building me up, little bit by little bit.

So don't be surprised when it happens. Because it will!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hello again!

This past week has been interesting:

1. On Sunday, I kind-of-made-a-decision to make Austin Stone my church! I didn't even realize I was doing it until I was walking out of the service to my car and suddenly felt REAL and AWESOME joy because that part of my heart was filled! Praise God! I'm excited to check out their versions of small groups and possibly get involved with the youth group. Ah, so exciting!

2. My boss asked me to speak about exercise at next week's Support Group meeting we have for the former cardiac rehab patients. I obliged, but I have a feeling it will mostly be answering personal questions instead of those that are beneficial for the entire group.

3. I got the go ahead to work on one of my long-term projects/dreams: Exercise is Medicine. It essentially asks MDs to prescribe exercise just as they prescribe drugs to treat conditions. My job in it will be to compile a list of referable individuals (those with personal training cert., gyms, etc.) and bridge the gap between these individuals and the MDs. It's like getting a Rx for exercise like getting one for physical therapy. Same idea. So exciting!

4. A patient threw up on me on Thursday. I was working in the ICU with a post-CABG patient and was working on transferring him from his chair to the bed. Oftentimes patients can get nauseous with sudden movement, and the nurse must've recognized the signs before I did because she asked quickly for the blue bag, which took a split-second too late to acquire, and it went all over the floor and splashed on my shoes. I actually almost threw up myself. I felt bad for the guy, though - he couldn't help it!

5. I found out I did NOT get the job at REI. Kind of sad, but more just frustrated that it took 3 weeks to figure that out. That's a long time! Now back to the drawing board.

6. Today I am working on my niece's scrapbook of her first year. She turns 2 in like a month, so I have limited time to complete it! I've never done a scrapbook this fast, so we'll see how it goes!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Starting on Thursday up until today, I was at a conference called the Health & Fitness Summit, put on by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), which is the leading organization promoting health and fitness in America. Later this summer I'll be taking a big certification exam that they offer: Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist (RCEP). They also offer certifications for personal trainers and involvement with MDs. It's a pretty neat and good organization to be a part of (I'm a member), and the conference was a great chance to learn what's the latest and get connected, or "network" if you will.

The moment I stepped into my first session, I was at home. People who are wearing workout clothes as their everyday attire! People who love to exercise! People who love to help other people exercise! It was amazing. I learned so much and found so many ways to get involved with national campaigns, I think my head might pop.

(This is the Frost Tower - a downtown landmark with awesome architecture).

I also did a NEW THING. The conference was here in Austin, but downtown, and parking each day was going to be somewhere in the $7-$15 range, plus the cost of me driving down there. So I checked out the local public transportation: the Capitol Metro. I was scared to death, and double-checked my routes like a thousand times, but in the end it was great! Sure, it took twice as long, but lucky Derek was resting quietly in my garage all day and I was using mass transit! Very fun. I'm not sure I could use it everyday, but it's good to break through that barrier and know it's available.

The rest of today I washed Derek & cleaned him out, hiked with Dawn just minutes from our houses, and ate some yummy taco soup. I'm still exhausted from the conference, even after a 3 hour nap this afternoon. I must get to bed.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Book Review: Secret Life of Bees

It came out awhile ago, but I spotted it at Half Price Books for only $3, so I figured I could afford that. It was a quick read and kept me interested; it also had very convenient chapter lengths, perfect for that 10-15 minutes after I get in bed and before I fall asleep.

Synopsis: The novel follows Lily, a white girl immersed in Southern black culture in the summer of 1964, right after the Civil Rights Act is declared law. She doesn't remember much about one afternoon when she was younger when her mother was killed, but all she has is her father who really is not a father. She runs away with their housekeeper, Rosaleen, and by divine intervention are taken in by 3 sisters who are beekeepers. Through her time with the sisters, she essentially deals with her past and learns to love and find healing in her newfound family.

What I liked: Like I said earlier, convenient chapter lengths. I also liked how there were several events that made you keep reading to find out what happens. And the way it all comes together at the end, including the interweaving of the bees and beekeeping is well thought out.

What I didn't like: Not much!

Has anyone seen the movie and would recommend it?

Friday, April 2, 2010

There's Always Sunday

Yesterday during lunch, my coworker Joanne mentioned to me that every Good Friday when she was growing up, she would notice how it would always be cloudy and then storm around noon. I thought it was pretty interesting and couldn't remember if that was the case of my childhood. We discussed how it was really Biblical and also kind of cool. The references in the gospels don't mention a storm, but they do mention "darkness over the land" and an earthquake.

So today as I was walking across a large parking lot during work I looked around. Darkness and lots of clouds. And I all of a sudden got fearful - that kind of godly fear that strikes you when you realize how powerful God is. I understood that on that day, so many years ago, when Christ did actually, physically die, it was like this. It was dark. It was sad. The Father was sending His Son to die, and He had to forsake His Son in order to pay for our sins. I understood how grave and serious it was. And I was in awe of God's power, realness, and mercy.

But there's always Sunday.

In a conversation tonight with a friend, I learned of a most beautiful and inexplicable joy: a relationship redeemed and restored. This relationship had been full of misunderstandings, hurtful actions, and realizations of each other's deepest fears. I had walked with one of the friends through the tough time, prayed for her, and pleaded with God for restoration, forgiveness, and open hearts. And it happened! I was so happy you would've though someone was getting married, having a baby, etc. But I realized that I was so joyful because it was an example of Christ rising from the dead - He did so that He could redeem our relationship with God. Redemption, forgiveness, restoration, open hearts, all there.

How joyous!