Saturday, July 17, 2010

Momma May is coming!

I really should've posted more this week, but I was so excited and looking forward to my mom coming to visit, I barely had time to think! I have a handful of already-written posts for such occasions, but I even was too busy to do THAT, sheesh.

Let's see, random stuff that happened this week:

1. Checked two more movies off my AFI Top 100 list: American Graffiti (think young Ron Howard) and The Graduate (Dennis Hoffman). I for some reason thought All That Jazz (autobiographical movie of Bob Fosse's life) was on the list, so I watched it, but it isn't! It was still good. I particularly enjoyed the parts where he's in the hospital for 3 weeks because of chest pain. They didn't have the stent procedure around back then, so he just rested until they finally did open heart surgery. Wonderful to see where they've taken it now!

2. Had a mini-freak-out moment but after some journaling and prayer, felt better. God is just taking me on this crazy ride and I never know when stuff is going to hit the fan. :)

3. Attended the Music Under the Star event last night, complete with free Rudy's BBQ and ice cream, and walked around the museum gift shop wishing I could afford the outrageously priced yet so adorable items.

4. Applied for a job at the Container Store, only to find out they don't have any openings. My list of places I would ENJOY working at for a second job is dwindling. Please, God, don't make me work at Target! Next up: Hobby Lobby.

5. And today, I spent 2 hours in the group exercise room at my gym, which actually was a sauna since the AC broke. It was so uncomfortable. And then I step outside and it's not much better. Sigh, hello Texas summer!

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