Saturday, November 20, 2010


Last weekend a coworker flew me home to see my family. I was literally in Kansas for 24 hours. On the plane for 7 hours, in Lawrence for 24, but TOTALLY worth it. It was a great little "jump start" to get me through the next 20 days until I go home again!

This week has been so fun and ridiculous and crazy! And it's all been good! The Lord continues to show me EVERY SINGLE DAY how good He is and that He cares. It simply astounds me! For example:

Tuesday. After work, I went to get my blood drawn, then to work out. I then joined some of my friends for some sand volleyball which lasted a couple hours. On a whim, I stopped by P. Terry's to get dinner and then picked up Dawn (not planned) because we were headed to the same place. On our way to our destination, my doctor called (at 8:00 pm, so you know it's serious!) to tell me my blood was way too thin (INR of 13) and I needed to go to the nearest ER to get some Vitamin K. It meant a change in plans, but Dawn and I ended up just hanging out in the ER for a couple hours and were able to catch up on life, which was great! And come to find out later that the event we were going to was actually cancelled!

Wednesday. I worked a 12-hour shift, 6 AM - 6 PM, so after going to the gym, I was pretty tired. I wound up at my hope group (small group), where we went around the circle and prophesied over each other, basically encouraging one another with how God sees us! Everything that people said about me was so true - like that this was going to be a time of finding my identity, that one person saw me as a lighthouse, and my favorite was about a surfboard. One of my friends said that she saw me surfing and though it was dangerous, God was my surfboard and no matter how impossible things seemed, He would provide (this would become huge the next day - read below). It was so filling and amazing. I am so thankful for the community that God has given me!

Thursday. Last week, amongst some other crazy things, I got a flat tire and had to call AAA to change it. I've been riding around on my full-sized spare for a week or so, but at the prodding of my friend, I went to get it fixed since I would be driving out to camp this weekend and there's plenty of dirt roads and construction to ruin any spare tire I had. I wasn't sure about how I was going to pay for it, but I trusted that the Lord would work it out. I dropped my car off and then went to work out. When I came back, the guy just handed me my keys and said, "Have a great weekend!" I was dumbfounded. No charge! The Lord totally made the impossible possible! Such a small thing, but so important!

So now I'm at Camp Eagle, trying to process all the craziness that's happened in the past 2 weeks. I'm here to teach the Walkabout students (gap-year program) on exercise and stress management. I'm doing it in 2 shifts - I did half the students last night and it was pretty fun. If accreditation goes through with John Brown University, the students could be getting 12 hours of college credit and I could be adjunct faculty! Woot!

Needless to say, there is a lot going on in my life. But the Lord is good!

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