Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You Can't Take the Country Out of the Girl

My latest trip up to Kansas was a surprise. I originally didn't think I'd make it to the actual 65th Anniversary celebration, so I planned an earlier trip in July. Due to the benvolence of my father, I was able to return again for the actual event! I was so blessed by time with family and especially in the environment of Oberlin, KS.

In the depths of my heart, I am a country girl. I was raised exclusively in a city, though not a large one (pop. 75,000ish), and loved being close to neighbor friends, within walking distance of all my schools, and close enough to the store to run and get a few things if I needed to. However, being in the country does something to me; something happens to my soul and my center of who I am when I'm in a wide open space, staring at a cloudless sky or watching a sunset. I'm not sure if it's spiritual, but I feel so incredibly comfortable in the country and around rural environments. I get it. It makes sense to me.

I attended the demolition derby at my grandparent's county fair while I was there, and it was so much fun! I loved cheering and reacting as old junky cars rammed into each other and caught on fire. I loved walking around with my younger brother, playing games, trying our hand at Sink-o, and eating snocones. And I absolutely loved that we ran into so many relatives there! We hadn't even gotten out of the parking lot before we saw my great aunt, my dad's cousin and their family. Only in a small town like this!

Part of me wishes I would've married a farmer and been a housewife, like so many of my ancestors. I look at my grandfather and have so much respect for his hard work, wise decisions, and faith in God. I love my grandmother and had so much fun with her, baking and serving and just laughing at each other when I was with them for a week in July. Part of me loves that life and the simplicity, the ease, and the laid-back nature of country living.

But God has called me to something different, but not necessarily better or worse. I'm educated, aware of the world and it's benefits and problems, and have a unique anointing and gifting from Him. I have a purpose that, as far as I know, includes a lot of people and loving them as Christ would. But I hope that I can always have a place to connect to the country - either live there, have friends who do, or have a place I can visit. My soul and heart is so refreshed and renewed when I'm out in the open, and I hope that never changes. It's part of who I am, and I love it! 

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