We had a good discussion about possibilities and she suggested looking at my current place of employment. What an idea! I really had not thought of that. I haven't taken any steps in that direction yet, and for now I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I might be working 50 or 60 hours a week.
I'll be busy. Let's say I want to do 12 hours extra a week. That's 3 days of 4 extra hours (say, 3:15-7:15 pm). I wouldn't get home until 7:45 and in order to be ready for work the next day, I'd need to be in bed by 9:30. Granted it's only 3 days/week, but that means I only get a few evenings a week free. Could I do that?
One thing my counselor reminded me of was to think of times in my life where I had to do something for a year or so that was hard. Or went through a hard time knowing it would be over soon. Immediately I remembered when I've been sick and had to be on the amazing-but-chipmunk-cheek-inducing steroids. I knew it would be over soon. And it was. Looking back it wasn't that hard.
So that's how I'm going to approach this next year. It will be over soon. And in several years, I can look back and say I worked hard to get through it and Lord provided. I firmly believe that if I put forth the effort and trust the Lord, He will bless me and take care of me. Heck, he does that even if I don't trust Him. That's how awesome He is!
Reb, you can do it! And I totally think baking some of my muffins would be beneficial to you because then you could just grab one and go on your way in the am without having to prepare a real breakfast! :)