Saturday, February 5, 2011

Loving Yourself Well

I've learned a lot in the past few weeks, but this has been the most treasured lesson, so I wanted to share it with y'all.

(Yes, I did just say y'all. I live in Texas, remember?)

In the course of my life, I have never had excellent self-confidence. This is due to many reasons, but I've always carried that with me and eventually just resigned to the fact that it would always be that way. HA! God can change things, though, and that's what he's been doing.

Once the Lord opened up in my heart the places of lies and disbelief, He was able to fill them with His love and MAN! HE LOVES ME! A LOT! It has been so overwhelming and satisfying to experience the love of God like I never have before.

Learning how much God loves me as in turn allowed me to love myself well. Before, I used to attend events or do activities because I wanted to experience love through them (on a very basic level) - going to a dinner to allow the people there to love me, for example. Now, I ask myself, "How can I love myself well today?" Instead of letting other people love me as my primary source of love, I let God love me and do what is best for me!

It's not being selfish - that would imply taking something from someone else. It's simply being good to yourself. If you need to take a nap, read, spend the night inside, go for a ride, etc., do it! Do what is good for your soul! Loving myself well has given me a FREEDOM that I haven't had before. Before, I would fell guilty if I didn't attend an event. Now I am confident to say that it was better for me to spend the evening resting or whatever I was doing. Before, I would feel guilty if I was late. Now I understand that that was a rule I made up for myself because I told myself people would love me more if I was on time (see how ridiculous we are?). Now, I believe that I will get there when I get there, and that is loving myself well. No more guilt trips!

I would encourage you to look at your schedule, your day, and plan time to love yourself well and do the things that give you life. We all have to work and do things that aren't as pleasant, but it's in the off time that we can really recharge and love ourselves. Do it!

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