Sunday, January 30, 2011

Painkiller Education

When I can fully articulate what the Lord has been doing in my life in the past 2 weeks, I will write, I promise. It's a little intense and I feel like there's more to the story - so get excited!

In the meantime, I thought I would write a little treatise on how to use painkillers. Much of my unplanned time off work in the past few weeks has been due to painkiller-related issues, so I figured it might be helpful to spell out how to actually use them. And no, my doctor or nurse did not explain this to me. I learned this all by myself!

1. No matter what they say, take the painkiller with food. And not just some crackers, FOOD. If it's the middle of the night, you're going to have to eat, simple as that.

2. Ask for an anti-emetic (like Zofran) to help with the nausea. Take the Zofran WITH the painkiller and you may even be able to get away with smaller amounts of food.

3. Have a plan. Most painkillers only last 3-4 hours. I take one set when I go to bed, but I know I will wake up, in pain, at some point. It helps to relieve stress if you already have a plan. Ok, I will probably wake up at 4 VERY uncomfortable, so I will simply take these pills and then eat these dried cherries and lay back down to rest. No time wasted agonizing over which painkiller to take and how much, etc.

4. Get a variety of painkillers. I have a mild one and one that is more potent. I use the milder one during the day (it doesn't make me sleepy) and the potent one at night since it makes me sleepy and my pain is worse at night. I have to plan the night medication, though, so I'm not drowsy for the first 2-3 hours of my day.

5. Don't be a hero. The best way to love yourself when you're in pain is to use what God has provided as relief. Take the pills!

Dear ones, I hope you are never in physical pain that requires prescriptions, but if you are, I hope this advice helps. It certainly would have helped me! :)

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