Monday, July 11, 2011


So today was a long day. After leaving work I felt like I had worked a whole week and it was Friday afternoon. Clinic was crazy, and then all this last-minute stuff kept happening. In addition, I was coming off of a weekend where I slept all but 4-5 hours of it and ate about 500 calories total. For now, I'll blame it on the infusion. But today was just ridiculous.

We get into work at about 6:45 AM. By 3:00 PM, we were delusional. There was a lot to do and as the pile was mounting, I told myself I'd leave at 4:30. At about 4:15 I decided to put in the patient's charges for the day, and when we do so the ordering physician's monogram comes up. The way the computer orders it is the first 3 letters of the last name and the first letter of the first name. So, I would be "MAYR." As I was going down the list, there was a patient under a Dr. David Terryson. His monogram is TERD. Yup, that's right, TERD. I immediately busted out laughing, mostly because it's almost inappropriate at my age to do so, and then my co-worker came in to see and that set her off. But I couldn't stop! I was so tired, and so worn out and burdened from the day, that all I could do was laugh.

And then I left work and felt so much better. :)

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