Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Switching Banks

Besides moving, I have never switched banks. I've had a different one for each phase of my life and where I was living, but I've never actively switched a bank in the same city. And by switch, I mean everything: all accounts, money, direct deposit, EBT setups, etc.

Let me tell you: it's a pain.

It takes some planning to go smoothly. I wrote out the many bills I pay through direct EBT, then figured out what time of the month would be best to switch my accounts based on when they were due. Once I opened the account, I straddled my money between two accounts for the 2 weeks in between my paychecks, which also required some planning. But now it's smoothing out.

Why did I switch? I was a member of a national bank chain, and it just got silly. In order to "keep" my checking account free, I had to do one of the following: pay $5/month, transfer at least $25/month to a savings account, or have the bank transfer $1 to a savings account everytime I use my debit card. The way I structure my finances and savings, it was impossible to do any of those options. I was always transferring stuff back and making sure my budget was in line after I let the bank do whatever magic they had to do to satisfy themselves that I was worth their time. Sheesh.

I switched to a local credit union, and I LOVE IT. I applied online, which was mostly a product of me not having time when the bank is actually open to go talk one-on-one. I received several emails with super-helpful information. I also actually went into a branch today to get a letter for my direct deposit at work, and OH MY they are nice! And they explain things so simply! I have a tendency to get lost with financial jargon, so it was very refreshing to experience simple terms and no funny rules. The lady I spoke with was super great.

I feel like this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

(Bonus points for guessing which movie that quote is from).

1 comment:

  1. Casablanca, by Rick to ... dunno. Best movie, ever.
