Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Barrow House

On Tuesday, we walked through the house I had lived in for the past 12 months with the property manager as the final "walk through." Besides a smallish hole in the wall, we will get most of our security deposit back! Yay! That is a huge relief as being unemployed, hundreds of dollars means a lot.

The house (named so for the street that it is on) had been home to a total of 8 women over a 2 year period of time. One moved out to pursue her dream of music, one to get married, and one to venture to Africa. You can imagine how much stuff was left that no one really knows whose it is simply because we don't remember or the person isn't there to claim it. It was a major endeavor to clear the house of not only our stuff, but all the extras, and then clean it. It has no carpet, so everything had to be swept and then mopped. And it wasn't a high quality dwelling to begin with, so getting it "clean" is more of a judgement call than a standard.

The house was especially different because the Lord was so intentional about who he put in the house and where they were in their journey. We often joked it should be called the Barrow Rehab because so many of us found restoration, healing, and comfort in that house. And that's just the roommates. We hosted dozens of large group events, from concerts in our backyard to Thanksgiving that I know blessed others immensely with our hospitality. The Lord spoke those intentions to each of us before we moved in, and it's such a beautiful thing to thank Him for the purposes and wonders He did through the house and it's inhabitants.

As i walked out for the last time, as I often do, I got teary-eyed. The song playing on the radio as I drove away was David Crowder's "Holy" and I couldn't help but roll my windows down, stick my arm out, and praise the Lord for the privilege of being a part of such a beautiful house.

I will miss a lot about the Barrow, but one thing I love is that the Lord's presence goes with us wherever we are, and I can't wait to see what he will do in our new house. Six girls and a dog. Who knows what will happen!

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