Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hello again!

This past week has been interesting:

1. On Sunday, I kind-of-made-a-decision to make Austin Stone my church! I didn't even realize I was doing it until I was walking out of the service to my car and suddenly felt REAL and AWESOME joy because that part of my heart was filled! Praise God! I'm excited to check out their versions of small groups and possibly get involved with the youth group. Ah, so exciting!

2. My boss asked me to speak about exercise at next week's Support Group meeting we have for the former cardiac rehab patients. I obliged, but I have a feeling it will mostly be answering personal questions instead of those that are beneficial for the entire group.

3. I got the go ahead to work on one of my long-term projects/dreams: Exercise is Medicine. It essentially asks MDs to prescribe exercise just as they prescribe drugs to treat conditions. My job in it will be to compile a list of referable individuals (those with personal training cert., gyms, etc.) and bridge the gap between these individuals and the MDs. It's like getting a Rx for exercise like getting one for physical therapy. Same idea. So exciting!

4. A patient threw up on me on Thursday. I was working in the ICU with a post-CABG patient and was working on transferring him from his chair to the bed. Oftentimes patients can get nauseous with sudden movement, and the nurse must've recognized the signs before I did because she asked quickly for the blue bag, which took a split-second too late to acquire, and it went all over the floor and splashed on my shoes. I actually almost threw up myself. I felt bad for the guy, though - he couldn't help it!

5. I found out I did NOT get the job at REI. Kind of sad, but more just frustrated that it took 3 weeks to figure that out. That's a long time! Now back to the drawing board.

6. Today I am working on my niece's scrapbook of her first year. She turns 2 in like a month, so I have limited time to complete it! I've never done a scrapbook this fast, so we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you didn't get the REI job. I could look it up, but what does REI stand for? I don't think you're a salesperson either, and there might be better ways to earn extra money, but at least you tried, and that's always important. Keep working hard, honey! Love, Dad
