Saturday, January 1, 2011

I Think I'm Actually an Adult Now!

Happy New Year!

This is not a post about my new year's resolutions, and mostly because I only have like 2 and they aren't crazy enough to share. I believe in goal setting, but most of my desires for this year can't be put in proper goal form, so I will just let you know that I intend on being awesome this year. That's it. :)

I woke up this morning and didn't feel any different. But after I sat down with my Bible and begun my 2-year quest to read my entire Bible, I was blown away by where I am in life and where God has brought me to.

All our lives, we are aware that there is a next step. After Kindergarten, we go to 1st grade. After elementary school, we enter junior high. Then high school. Then college. Then grad school (or job). Once we have a job, we get married and have kids. I know this is a generalization, but essentially we always know there is something that is "next" that is the normal progression of our life. For me, the ultimate goal was to get a job, which was why I enrolled in grad school - to get more training. After grad school, I got a job thank the Lord!

But once I had a job, there was a new city to explore, the new dynamics of living far away from my family, and the newness of it all - people, church, community, grocery stores, etc. Once I got a job, the next step was to feel at home.

So this morning, as I was contemplating how it's true that I ACTUALLY LIVE in Austin, TX and I have a church family and home, good friends, and am relatively acquainted with the city, I'm not sure what's left to do! In the natural progression above, I should be getting married, but seeing as that's not on the horizon or appears to be, we'll assume that's either happening in the future or not happening at all. :)

I kept asking myself, what's there to do next? And then I realized I'm a full-fledged adult now. I can pick whatever I want! I can decide to pursue my relationship with God more (number 1 priority right now), move to another city, invest in a non-profit, go to South America for 5 months to learn how to speak Spanish in a school (as my friend Wendy is doing), go sky diving, minister to the homeless, and the list goes on and on! I feel like I'm on the edge of a cliff, and I have the whole world waiting for me. What's even more exciting is that God has an amazing plan that will rock my socks off! How fun!

Here's to 2011 and all that God is going to do!

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